Jurassic World 2 Super Bowl Trailer Reactions: 5 Ups & 3 Downs

3. A Compelling Human Villain

Jurassic World Rafe Spall

As Jurassic Park III didn't realise, it isn't enough to see increasingly huge and ridiculous dinosaurs as the only villains in a Jurassic Park movie. This is a franchise based on humanity's dangerous over-reaching need to play God, and as such, there should always be a human villain (Jurassic Park didn't need one per se because it was so new).

And thankfully it looks like we're getting a couple of fairly typical corporate villains, but who are crucially played by the duel talents of Rafe Spall and Toby Jones. You always know where you are with British villains (and while both are guaranteed to be dino-food by the end, they should be memorable while they last).

It's all part of cooking up the complex soup that's supposed to make us wonder whether the dinosaurs are the real monsters or we are.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.