Jurassic World 2: What The Ending Of Fallen Kingdom Really Means...

7. The Dinosaurs Are Free, People Will Die

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Blue Owen

So, saving the dinosaurs from death by poisoning is all well and good, but it's now led to a situation where there are now about 20-30 dinosaurs, including a couple of bona fide apex predators, simply out living free in America.

There's a Mosasaur seen swimming with surfers, a raptor heading towards a residential estate, pterodactyls hitting up the strip in Las Vegas. And that's without mentioning the T-Rex and the Allosaurus, which will both eat everyone they meet and the armoured vegetarian ones who will still do a lot of damage if spooked by anything they've not encountered.

Like, say, 99% of civilized society...

So, we're looking at the possibility of a small-scale apocalypse led by these dinosaurs as they try to adjust. It's not like they're going to turn vegan, they're going to hunt and kill and eat and that's going to be yet another bad PR day for InGen.


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