Jurassic World 2: What The Ending Of Fallen Kingdom Really Means...

2. The Human Genetics Question

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Maisie

The way the film almost casually drops in the fact that Isabel Lockwood is a clone of her dead mother is so badly ignored (aside from when she expresses affinity for the dinosaurs) that you have to think that it's going to come back as a bigger deal in the sequel.

After all, there's a whole other set of considerations around human genetics and cloning than there is around dinosaurs and it should attract interest from lots of the wrong sorts of people. Could we see Isabel hounded for what she is and what she represents to science? Could we see a revival of the abandoned idea of splicing human and dino DNA to create super-soldiers?

Trevorrow might say no at this stage, but there's no way we aren't going to see more of an insight into Isabel's cloning in the next film.


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