Jurassic World Dominion: 10 Original Trilogy Characters We Hope Will Return

4. Lex & Tim

Jurassic Park World Dominion
Universal Pictures

It wouldn't be a Jurassic Park film without a few kids getting emotionally traumatized for the rest of their lives.

It's been quite some time since we've seen John Hammond's grandchildren, Lex and Tim. After surviving the events of Jurassic Park, they appeared briefly in The Lost World not looking too worse for wear. Now that they're adults, it's time to check in on them.

With Lockwood's estate causing the release of dinosaurs into the United States, the surviving members of the Hammond clan would definitely voice their detest and condem the privatization/militarization of dinosaurs. Spotlighting their first-hand experiences, we shouldn't be surprised to see the siblings vocally and financially supporting the cause to eradicate these genetic monsters.

The new cast and the old cast will surely cross paths in Dominion and placing Lex and Tim at odds with Owen and Claire would be an excellent way to put both groups at odds with each another.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.