Jurassic World Dominion: 22 WTF Moments

11. Kayla & Denise In Dubrovnik

Jurassic World Dominion Bryce Dallas Howard

Meanwhile, Owen and Claire enlist the help of pilot/smuggler Kayla Watts (DeWanda Wise) to help reach the Biosyn Valley, only to face resistance from air traffic control, with Lewis Dodgson himself refusing to let them land on the runway.

Kayla attempts to sweet-talk the runway dispatcher, Denise (Freya Parker), even threatening to reveal seemingly illicit facts about their "weekend in Dubrovnik."

An embarrassed Denise then tells Dodgson that she's talking about another Denise from the Accounts department, placing the capper on another wince-inducing comedy gag that just doesn't remotely work.

Ultimately Dodgson stands firm, refusing to let the plane land, forcing Claire to eject while Owen and Kayla brace for a crash landing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.