Justice League: 10 Best Moments

1. Superman Returns

Superman Justice League
Warner Bros.

And finally, the movie's best and most fanboy-pleasing moment was surely the long-awaited return of Superman during the final battle against Steppenwolf.

Though audiences have to wait around 100 minutes for the Man of Steel to show up in full Superman regalia, and he's only on screen for around 5 minutes, he nevertheless makes one hell of an impact.

After Steppenwolf beats the League down, he says, "They're all too weak to see the truth." At this point, an off-screen voice says, "Well, I believe in truth...", and Superman reveals himself, before adding, "...but I'm also a big fan of justice."

Superman then beats the snot out of Steppenwolf and uses his super-breath to freeze his axe, gets a cute moment with Batman ("Well, I knew you didn't bring me back because you liked me"), and hilariously one-up The Flash's heroism by rescuing an entire apartment block full of people like it's nothing.

For everything the film gets wrong, at least Superman is finally a smiling beacon of hope once again, after being a mopey douchebag for so long.

What were your favourite Justice League moments? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.