Justice League: 10 Things You Need To Know About Ray Fisher's Battle With Warner Bros.

1. DC Films Boss Allegedly Labels Joss Whedon An "!*$%"

Cyborg Justice League
Warner Bros.

As you can now see, things have become extremely heated, and Warner Bros. is definitely beginning to look like they've made a conceited effort to cover up whatever happened on the set of Justice League. Even the "independent" firm that's been hired to conduct this investigation has reportedly been picking and choosing who they reach out to.

Ultimately, it seems the main goal here is to protect Geoff Johns, a prolific comic book writer who continues to play an integral role in the movies and TV shows DC produces.

Challenging Hamada to sue him if he's lying, Fisher has said in a new Instagram video: "[Walter Hamada] did throw Joss Whedon and Jon Berg under the bus. A conversation wherein he did claim that Joss Whedon was an !*$%, that he never planned on hiring and that did not fit his vision for the future of DC Films. Quote me on that. If it’s not true, Walter, go ahead and sue me on that."

Muck is starting to be thrown, and it's now impossible to say what the outcome will be. Things are likely to only get worse from here, though, and Fisher clearly isn't going to back down...

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Warner Bros.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.