Justice League: 10 Ways Joss Whedon Could Change It

8. Fleshing Out The "Lesser" Justice League Members

Cyborg Hero Shot Justice League
Warner Bros.

Joss Whedon's work on The Avengers and as a "script doctor" for various other Marvel Cinematic Universe movies is proof enough that he's a huge nerd with a very genuine affinity for the comic book medium, so bringing him in to do real justice to more niche superheroes like Cyborg and Aquaman in particular is a great idea.

Whedon's encyclopedic knowledge of superhero lore should serve him well when attempting to endear audiences to the "lesser" Justice League lineup, especially with all those solo films already in the pipeline. After all, do many fans really have much confidence in a 2020 Cyborg movie actually happening at this point?

He'll need to thoroughly charm audiences in both Justice League movies if it's really going to happen, and Whedon's history of making audiences fall in love with unconventional oddballs could pay off dividends here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.