Justice League: 5 Reasons DC Should Take Their Time

Justice League has a bigger advantage than they think if they just wait it out.

With the outstanding success of The Avengers and all the movies leading up to it, it is not at all surprising to hear that rival company DC are planning a Justice League film, likely to be released in 2015. If Justice League does come out within the next few years, it may not be able to live up to The Avengers based on the fact it was rushed out much quicker to compete with the brilliance that is Marvel and their slow-burning planning. Justice League has a bigger advantage than they think if they just wait it out. Here are the 5 reasons Justice League should take their time with bringing the JLA together;

5. Fan Base

If DC is worried that they are losing fans to Marvel; they shouldn€™t be. A comic book fan is a comic book fan. All superheroes are welcomed, but what isn€™t welcomed is a bad movie. DC has had overwhelming success with the latest Batman trilogy that has set the tone for other singular comic book hero movies embarking on their own. The animated Justice League television show lasted five seasons and was quite popular. Superman just toured a decade on television picking up new fans with the teen drama Smallville and also popularizing the character Green Arrow enough to grant him his own show (Arrow). Although Green Lantern wasn€™t a great success, neither was the Hulk (and they tried a second time), so the worst thing you can do is rush out a full blown movie like Justice League without thinking it through. There is still a fan base and they are willing to wait as long as you make the wait worth it.

4. Learn From Your Mistakes and Marvels

One of the biggest advantages DC has is they can see what Marvel does wrong with The Avengers series and improve on it. The Hulk was one example of something Marvel couldn€™t get right until it mattered. Don€™t try repeating with an even more questionable Green Lantern movie. So far Avengers hasn€™t made too many mistakes, but there are some. For example don€™t make the heroes finally band together in the Justice League movie because some minor character that made an appearance in all their respected movies died in a spout with the villain. Heroes should band because they are inspired by their leader, in this case Batman or Superman, to do what€™s right.

3. Build the Hype

Marvel planned their movies very well and hyped up The Avengers like it was the second coming. They did not disappoint. DC has the chance to do the same, and by waiting they can do it properly. Superman and Batman are very popular characters, and the inclusion of them both in a live movie would be a very intriguing marketing campaign. Having their own movies beforehand would certainly help get things going. I€™m all for another Batman movie, assuming Christian Bale doesn€™t reprise his role in the Justice League movie, if its focus is on the Justice League movie. Bringing in different elements of JLA or even having a couple other less popular members in the Batman film would help make the statement that it isn€™t competing with Nolan€™s trilogy, but setting up for a great Justice League movie. The next Superman movie is due out next year, and its plot is not known in full detail, so it€™s hard to tell how that can play into a Justice League movie for now. Granting other characters (Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hawkgirl, and Flash) their own movie as long as it is aimed towards Justice League and written well would be also be a step in the right direction. As for Green Lantern; you screwed up the Caucasian Hal Jordan, you still have a chance at redemption with the African American John Stewart. Get it right!

2. A Great Script

Obviously a lot of planning went into Marvel€™s blueprint for The Avengers and all the individual films that preceded it. Well if DC decides to take their time, they can plan and execute an even better film. The Nolan's have already done their rendition of Batman, but who€™s to say they couldn€™t lend a hand in writing a Justice League movie even if that is their only involvement. If Nolan and his brother do become more involved and their Dark Knight trilogy takes place in the same universe, then that is a bigger bonus. Regardless, taking the time to plan every plot twist and turn could be very beneficial. Rushing into production with a mediocre script and banking on the team€™s popularity is a very risky move and may make even the most dedicated DC fan jump ship to Marvel. At least they treat their fans well.

1. Finding the Perfect Cast

If Christian Bale reprises his role, that€™s great news. If not, it wouldn€™t be the first time we replaced Batman. Finding the perfect cast that embodies each hero and villain respectively is critical to the success of the movie. The Avengers did a MARVELous job casting their team, so it is imperative DC takes the time to get things right with theirs. Both Superman and Batman have been portrayed many times by different actors, so don€™t assume that Christian Bale and Henry Cavill (Man of Steel success pending) can€™t be replaced. We were upset when anyone of significant importance was replaced, but we got over it. As long as they cast someone who can make us forget why we cared. The Justice League has very popular and diverse heroes, and a live action movie would be downright amazing. It is essential that the time is taken to plan it properly to ensure it can compete with the Avengers and put DC right back up there with Marvel. Feel free to share your opinion below.

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