Justice League Final Trailer Breakdown: 20 Things You Need To See

11. Heroes In Peril: Wonder Woman

Justice League Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Wonder Woman's hero shot is the most on-the-nose of the entire trailer. She's literally standing on Lady Justice, on the side suggesting that she's the forceful power behind the concept, touching her sword symbolically. Subtle, this is not.

It's then revealed that she too faces Steppenwolf in singular combat at one point - probably in Chernobyl before Batman arrives in the Nightcrawler to save her, as shown in earlier trailers.

Steppenwolf v Wonder Woman Justice League
Warner Bros.

Again, this is supposed to show that the team can't hope to defeat Steppenwolf alone, as it's not going well for her, god or no god...

Steppenwolf Wonder Woman Justice league
Warner Bros.

There's also a nice stern looking shot of her...

Justice League Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

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