Justice League Reshoots: Is Joss Whedon Going Back To Themyscira?
More Amazonian footage? Good news.
If you're a massive fan of Wonder Woman (and why wouldn't you be, it's the best DCEU film to date?), there's potentially a bit of good news about Justice League: we might be getting more scenes set in Diana Prince's homeland of Thermyscira.
It seems that some of Joss Whedon's reshoots - which, remember, we're told are all focused on additional footage as opposed to replacement scenes - will include scenes set on the mysterious island.
Batman News have spotted that Madeleine Vall Beijner, a stunt performer who appeared in Wonder Woman as Egeria, has posted a picture on her Instagram account suggesting that she and some other supporting performers are headed back to the Italian set of Thermyscira. As part of the post, she writes:
“In less than three weeks I will be reunited with these badass amazon warriors again!! Also, in Themiscyra (Italy) at the same location where we were shooting the movie #WONDERWOMAN. Can’t wait to go back!”
It seems likley that the project she's heading there for is Justice League, since little else fits. Here's the post:
We already know we're going to see some Amazonian warfare in the film's prologue, and it may be that we get more flashbacks (which is where these additional scenes come in). Or it may be that we're going to see modern Thermyscira, where Steppenwolf will mount another attack in pursuit of the Mother Boxes, drawing Wonder Woman into the fight more.
Either way, it'll be good to spend more time in the company of the Amazonians.