Justice League Snyder Cut: 10 Major Changes We Already Know About

1. Darkseid

Justice League Snyder Cut
Warner bros.

Imagine how different the MCU would have been if Thanos' first appearance, no matter how small, was ultimately cut from Avengers Assemble in 2012. The build up to the villain's first real appearance helped to develop and grow anticipation for the character, and the same was supposed to happen with Darkseid in the DCEU.

The super villain was supposed to appear in Justice League, setting up much further involvement in the future of the franchise, but was shockingly cut entirely by Joss Whedon. Thankfully, this won't be the case in the Snyder Cut, as we will get to see one of the greatest villains DC comics are able to boast.

Darkseid was teased as early as Dawn of Justice, as part of Batman's dream sequence, so naturally fans were excited to see what exactly the Justice League would be going up against.

Instead we got Steppenwolf, one of the worst, one dimensional comic book movie villains in recent memory. While the villain will still feature in Zack Snyder's cut, it will be his uncle that will take over as the main antagonist.

Darkseid's involvement in this version of the movie is easily the most anticipated aspect of the project, with the villain already looking incredible in the trailer. Fans everywhere are still left scratching their heads as to why he was left out by Joss Whedon in the first place.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.