Justice League Snyder Cut: 10 Major New Details You Need To Know

6. Current World Events Won't Slow Down Its Progress

Justice League Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

The world is a pretty crazy place right now, and Hollywood is in disarray. No one knows when productions will be able to safely resume, while major, highly anticipated blockbusters have been hit by massive delays. What does that mean for Zack Snyder's Justice League? Well, not much at all!

Deborah Snyder explains, "People thought, 'It won’t be possible to ramp up, and that maybe this should go on the back burner.' But we said, 'No, this is the right time' because our visual effects houses that rely on so much are running out of work, so now is the time to be doing this."

It helped that many of those post facilities had held on to the original assets, and while a firm start date has not been set yet (which explains the vague 2021 premiere date), there's no backing out now: the "Snyder Cut" will become a reality. If anything, what's going on helps the movie as there are so many post-production companies working remotely, something actual film shoots can't do.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.