Justice League Trailer: 11 Things You Probably Missed

Superman's hiding in plain sight.

Justice League Flash Cyborg
Warner Bros.

Justice League's first full trailer is here, and as badly as fans have been burned by the DC Extended Universe so far, it's hard not to feel hype as Hell after seeing this.

With a refreshingly comedic tone and what appears to be an emphasis on fun over self-seriousness (though let's wait and see how it pans out in the final movie), there's a lot to be excited about. Of course, fans should also ensure to temper their expectations.

That all said, the trailer is a dense montage of beautiful images, many of which contain hidden information, Easter eggs and sneaky clues as to the direction of both the movie and the wider DCEU. And there's some really weird symbolism in there, too.

Not discounting the possibility that Zack Snyder is expertly trolling fans with some clever juxtaposition of images, these 11 secrets provide plenty of insight into what fans should expect on November 17th.

11. Zack Snyder's Horse Obsession Continues

Justice League Horse
Warner Bros.

The trailer's opening images show Bruce Wayne traveling across a treacherous, icy landscape to hunt down Arthur Curry aka Aquaman, in order to recruit him for the Justice League.

Bruce makes his way there on horseback, which continues Zack Snyder's bizarre recent affinity for the animal, after Batman v Superman featured several peculiar, out-of-place glimpses of horses (as Bruce wanders through the wreckage of the Zod-Superman fight, rearing up outside the senate building, and dragging Superman's coffin through the streets).

One can argue these horses are symbolic of the apocalypse, or rather, Apokolips, as in the planet from which Darkseid and his army of Parademons hail. Still, expect to see at least a few more steeds show up throughout the film, because Snyder seems really hung up on this piece of symbolism.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.