Justice League Trailer Breakdown: 28 Things You Must See

27. The Bay

Justice League Snowy CLiffs
Warner Bros.

One thing is very obvious from the start of the trailer: this is not a hospitable place. People are not meant to stumble accidentally on the fishing village that Aquaman seems to have appointed himself the personal saviour of.

Unless those icy crags are actually a shot of Superman's Fortress Of Solitude edited in cheekily? Couldn't be, could it?!

Bruce Wayne has clearly come here for Arthur Curry, which begs the question of why he's come in his civilian clothes and not as Batman. And why he's rode in by horse when he could have come by sea far more directly...

Justice League Arthur Curry
Warner Bros.

In voice-over, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman confirms she already knows the attack is coming, which makes Bruce Wayne telling her a little odd, to be perfectly honest. He's wearing the same outfit as we saw in the Comic Con footage, incidentally, so it's safe to assume this immediately precedes his first meeting with Aquaman...

Bruce Wayne Justice League
Warner Bros.

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