Justice League Vs. The Avengers: Which Is Better?

2. Franchise Appeal

The Avengers
Marvel Studios

The Avengers was the film that took the MCU to the next level, bolstering a hugely successful formula which has effectively dictated the franchise's style and tone ever since.

Without The Avengers, we sure as hell wouldn't be mere months away from the MCU's most ambitious venture yet, Infinity War.

Conversely, Justice League may feel like a partial franchise course-correction after fans trashed Batman v Superman, but the disappointing box office figures make it clear the well has already been somewhat poisoned.

It's hard to imagine Warner Bros. being hugely eager to press on with a sequel ASAP, and instead they'll likely refocus their efforts on solo movies, namely Wonder Woman 2, The Batman and Flashpoint.

Winner: The MCU is a juggernaut in this area, and it all began with The Avengers. The DCEU is still wanting for that billion-dollar movie, and probably will be for quite some time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.