Kevin Smith Movies Ranked Worst To Best

3. Clerks. (1994)

The story behind the financing and making of Clerks, Smith's ultra-low budget debut, is now the stuff of indie movie legend. Smith acquired the paltry budget of $27,575 (which is actually a very hefty sum to a guy who then worked at the Quick Stop convenience store the film is set in) by selling off a large portion of his extensive comic book collection, maxing out 8 to 10 credit cards with $2000 limits, along with money set aside for his college education and insurance money he was awarded for a car lost in a flood. Filming took place entirely at night, as Smith wasn't given permission to film during the day by the Quick Stop's owners. This necessitated filming in black and white and also the plot point that the store's shutters were constantly closed due to a vandal jamming gum in the padlock. Smith, his small crew and actors filmed over 21 straight nights, with Smith working during the day at the shop and going straight to filming afterwards. Clerks is a true independent success story, making over $3 million in the States. What it lacks in filmmaking flourishes or visual style, it makes up for with it's verbose and often hilarious script, the first taste the world had of Smith's trademark writing style. Yes, the film is very profane and yes, the performances struggle to rise above amateur level sometimes, but as a calling card for a young director it was everything Kevin Smith could have hoped for.

Comics. Movies. TV. Wrestling. Video Games. Husband. Father. Geek.