Kevin Smith Movies Ranked Worst To Best

8. Jersey Girl (2004)

In a career that has seen a litany of box-office disasters and critical savagings, Jersey Girl just might be the most infamous of them all. Starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez (then at the height of their 'Bennifer' fame in the media), along with Jason Biggs, Liv Tyler and the late George Carlin, Jersey Girl was nominated for 3 Razzie Awards, including Worst Actor for Affleck, Worst Supporting Actress for Lopez and Worst On-Screen Couple for good measure. Ouch. The strange thing about the bile that the film received is that it is actually a good film, a charming rom-com that features a superb performance from Raquel Castro as Affleck's precocious daughter. George Carlin is excellent as Affleck's father and scenes involving these three give the film many of it's emotional high points. The release of 2003's derided Gigli, also starring Affleck and Lopez, might actually be where to point the finger of blame for the failure of Jersey Girl. Gigli was rightfully dismissed as terrible, but then the ill-will that film built up seemed to seep into the perception of Jersey Girl, which was sad. It's no masterpiece, not by any means, but is a good film nonetheless and it's negative reception led Smith to retreat and make Clerks II.

Comics. Movies. TV. Wrestling. Video Games. Husband. Father. Geek.