10. Costume Changes
Its a sort of minor plot point that Kick-Ass takes on Big Daddys armour for the final fight (which makes a lot of sense really - a wetsuit was never a great idea) and theres a lot of jokes made about The Motherf*ckers bondage suit, but Dave and Chris aren't the only character to have a costume change from the original. The changes to Hit Girls costume dont really affect the overall aesthetic, but are pretty significant. Shes lost the chequered skirt she had before, as well as the borderline iconic yellow grenade in favour of shoulder pads and a flashier cape. Most interesting, however, is her mask. The cloth always looked a bit silly in Kick-Ass - a little too amateurish for the spawn of Big Daddy - so her she gets fully face moulded upgrade. How she managed to order it is a question up there with why did the Kick-Ass costume come with a mask, but its a welcome change that helps reaffirm her bad-ass nature. I was also surprised little was made of how little was made of Todds costume being an identical opposite to Daves. Its obvious and I'm sure you all got it, but the script missed a trick by not having Marty pass comment on it.