Kingsman 3: 10 Things We Want To See

1. A Trump-Like Villain

Donald Trump Shoot

Both of the Kingsman movies released so far have touted unexpected social commentary, with the first film satirising the dangers of the information age, while The Golden Circle lampooned the United States' failed War on Drugs.

The next film can go one better by tackling a more pressing social issue, by presenting a villain not-so-subtly mocking the current U.S. President, Donald Trump.

Now, this is definitely a risky proposition, because a) people could be fed up of Trump jokes by 2020 and b) Trump could be impeached long before then, but considering that the movie will likely release around the time of the U.S. Presidential election in November 2020, it'd almost too easy not to take a shot or twelve.

There will be plenty of material out there, especially as Trump's likely single term as President comes to an end, and there will surely be a long line of beloved actors who will be hungry for such a potentially brilliant part. After all, impersonating Trump did just win Alec Baldwin an Emmy of all things.

Vaughn may deem such satire a little too time-sensitive to risk inserting it into the movie, but hell, he may as well swing for the fences, because he probably won't get a target as ripe as Trump for quite some time.

It could end up incredibly on the nose, yes, but after four years of Trump's rule, it could also be the icing on the cake as he finally leaves office.

What do you want to see in Kingsman 3? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.