Last 10 Oscar Hosts: Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Seth MacFarlane (2013)

Quote Of The Night: "Jennifer Lawrence has a great attitude about this whole thing. I was talking to her backstage and she told me that whether she wins or loses, it's just an honor that Meryl Streep wasn't nominated." Some people thought MacFarlane did a great job when he hosted last year, others thought he was the most evil person in the world that night. While I definitely disagree with the latter, I still wasn't very impressed with him. To his credit, MacFarlane did try to bring a lot of energy to the ceremony. He sang, he danced, he talked to Captain Kirk. He tried his best to keep the show rolling. But, especially at the Oscars, it's really awkward when the host is so mean-spirited. I'd be more willing to defend him if the jokes were funny, but they were often cheap and sometimes cruel. Singing about seeing actresses naked may go over well on "Family Guy," but when you're singing the song directly to the actresses? It can get uncomfortable quickly. Still, I think people made a bit too much over his "I Saw Your Boobs" musical number. It was when MacFarlane would make that weird joke about Quvenzhané Wallis and George Clooney that really made me cringe:
"To give you an idea of how young is, it'll be 16 years until she's too old for Clooney."
The Oscars always enjoy a good "George Clooney is a womanizer" joke, but that's just creepy.

Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324