7. Mars Needs Moms
Other significant issues aside, where
Mars Needs Moms initially failed was in its promotion; that being there almost wasn't any. The real reason that it boasts the unenviable title of the biggest box office bomb in film history - making a total loss of just over $136m - is because nobody knew of its existence, let alone its release. As the final release of Robert Zemeckis' branch-off studio ImageMovers Digital, perhaps the theory was to keep it low key in order to minimise unnecessary expenditure; a plan that, obviously, backfired disastrously. Of course, a film entitled and concerning the Martian race's necessity of human mothers (um, what?) was bound to fall short. However, considering that this was a Zemeckis endorsed film, it was surprising to find that the characters seemed somewhat hollow; barring inadequate advertising, this was where the film truly failed. Once this was picked up on, everything became so superficial and out of touch that it dangerously entered the realm of stereotype. Then again, when the mass majority of the world hadn't even seen it, I don't suppose it at all mattered.