Life On Mars? Probably Not, But Here's 10 Films That Say Otherwise

5. Mars Attacks!

The feat of convincing Hollywood fat cats that a Martian invasion film deserves the green light is made undoubtedly easier when your media persona is that of an eerie eccentric; perhaps too much easier. With no disrespect to Tim Burton, Mars Attacks! was criminally over-budgeted. Admittedly, Burton intended the Martians to look cheap, but having been given just over $100m dollars, you do wonder where all the money went? Having only just broken even at the box office, it was, understandably, considered a financial disappointment. In fairness, The War of the Worlds-esque invasion film was a positively surreal encounter. However, entertaining surrealism aside, Mars Attacks! rarely ever stood up to be counted; the story was somewhat generic, whilst the character development was boringly predictable. An overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction haunted Mars Attacks! upon its initial release and, though it has begun to develop a somewhat cult-like status, it is by no means Burton's best work.
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Aspiring film journalist, currently studying English at The University of Sheffield. When I'm not busy devoting my day to home cinema and retro gaming, I'll usually be found confined to my laptop; scouring the pages of IMDb for the latest updates on the silver screen.