Live-action comic book HYBRID!

The recently formed partnership between Myriad Pictures and comicbook creators Studio 407 has yielded it's first project. The studio have given the go-ahead to HYBRID, a live-action adaptation of an upcoming June comic-book written by Peter Kwong, who will also handle the screenplay. (sorry about the blur, it's the best image of the comic I could find)

No director is yet attached to the project which revovles around college studios on vacation who stumble across an abandonded trawler and soon discover the nest of a mutant creature, born out of environmental abuse. The mutant "fishes" for humans in open water. Myriad is eyeing a mid-2008 start date. Film will be shot in Southeast Asia off the coast of Thailand with the hope of a creating a new horror franchise. Creature features are all the rage at the moment with THE HOST and CLOVERFIELD being so massively hyped in the last few years, this one has a great chance to do just the same. Myriad Pictures are the studio behind Dario Argento's THE MOTHER OF TEARS and the success of this project might come down to how much money they have faith putting into it and whether or not audiences will be tired of this kind of thing once 2009 comes along.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.