Logan: 12 Theories That Were Utter Bull

12. Sabretooth Is In It

Liev Schreiber Sabretooth X-Men Origins: Wolverine
20th Century Fox

The Theory: Wolverine's half-brother Victor Creed aka Sabretooth was heavily rumoured to appear in the film, with Liev Schreiber reprising his role from X-Men Origins: Wolverine (one of the few things praised about that mostly terrible movie).

The Truth: Though Schreiber did enter talks to play a part in the movie (and it would've made a lot of sense for him to take the place of X-24 as the ultimate Big Bad), it didn't work out in the end and Schreiber doesn't appear in the movie in any way, shape or form.

A shame, sure, but the movie did just fine without him, and it probably would've just aggravated those who would prefer to forget Origins ever existed anyway.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.