Logan Trailer: 6 Ups & 5 Downs From Wolverine 3 Teaser

4. Is There Even A Timeline Anymore?

Logan Cinematography

The X-Men universe is clearly not to be tied down by time lines or shared universes or making any sense, but Logan has put a whole new spanner in the already mangled continuity.

Since the release of X-Men: First Class, the franchise has not even bothered to try to tie all these films together. Well, Days Of Future Past tried and was relatively successful in creating a cobbled together ending of sorts, but that was instantly ruined by X-Men: Apocalypse which featured Logan back at Weapon X for some reason...

Again, that's not necessarily a slight on the film itself, the complete disregard for a stream-lined connection means you will never be able to watch all the films one after the other without a myriad of frustrating questions.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.