London Film Festival 2011 Review: SNOWTOWN
Australian director Justin Kurzel’s feature film debut, Snowtown, has been touted, quite rightly so, as ‘this year’s Animal Kingdom’, given its combination of a thrilling crime narrative with a dysfunctional family drama.

rating: 3.5
Australian director Justin Kurzels feature film debut, Snowtown, has been touted, quite rightly so, as this years Animal Kingdom, given its combination of a thrilling crime narrative with a dysfunctional family drama. The results, while not as explicitly intense as the aforementioned film, nevertheless create a discomfiting atmosphere of dread, all the more uncomfortable because it is closely based on real events; Australias infamous Snowtown murders of the 1990s. Director Kurzel wastes almost no time at all making things uncomfortable for his audience; a brief glimpse at a seemingly normal family unit quickly gives way to the step-dad figure taking leud pictures of the children, the eldest of who, Jamie (Lucas Pittaway), becomes the films focal character. It is this incident, along with a systematic pattern of abuse, both mental and physical, which causes us to wonder if it is the cause of Jamies complicity in the brutal murders of local residents by psychopathic serial killer John Bunting (Daniel Henshall). Bunting arrives early on in the film and establishes himself as the new family patriarch; a father figure to Jamie and his younger brothers. The tragic irony is that Jamie and his siblings dont have much of a notion about revenge for what has been done to them; it just provides the tenuous catalyst needed for Bunting to appropriate his own, violent sense of judgement. Jamie, a boy with own set of troubles, becomes trapped in a mire of ambiguous morality; his mother is emotionally distant, while John is an intensive presence in his life and insistent to nurture him. Initially this begins with a prompt to vandalise the paedophiles home, though this sets him on a slippery slope of complicity, introducing him to acts of violence which become progressively more savage as the film bounds along.