Lord Of The Rings: 10 Movie Mistakes They Hoped You Missed
5. Aragorn Loses His Sword Twice

Throughout the trilogy our main heroes make mince meat out of the orcs they come up against. If it hadn't been for that troll in Moria, the Fellowship would have seen off those pesky little goblins with ease. And even when they went up against the Uruk-hai they seemed to have a pretty easy time of it. Sure, Boromir died at their hands, but he took down dozens before he finally succumbed to their arrows. One-on-one, the orcs pretty much had no chance.
So when Lurtz, the snarling brute who killed Boromir, was able to hold is own against Aragorn, we actually felt a little fearful for our main characters. Of course, Aragorn eventually won his duel, but not before a few tense moments. He's thrown against a tree, before being pinned by the orc's spiked shield, and almost losing his head.
The force of the initial impact caused Aragorn's sword to fly from his hand. But less than a second later he's shown with his sword again... As Lurtz throws his shield, Aragorn is then pinned against the tree and we see his sword once more go spinning out of frame.