The Lord Of The Rings: 8 Confusing Plot Holes The Movies Never Explained

7. Why Does Frodo See Sauron When Wearing The Ring But Bilbo Doesn€™t?

When Bilbo first wears the ring in An Unexpected Journey and the horror draped landscape Frodo endured was replaced by a greyed out ghosting everyone was pretty accepting of it; Sauron is still busy Necromancing around Mirkwood and is far from full power. By the time Fellowship Of The Ring kicks off, however, he is, hence Frodo€™s experience. What level of awareness Sauron and the Nazgul have of the ring€™s location and use is strongly up to contention. Sauron clearly couldn€™t see the wearer every time the wearer saw him (Sauron is definitely aware Frodo twice, at Amon Hen and Mount Doom, but all other times it€™s not made clear) and the Ringwraiths only knew its location when it was being worn (hence Gollum€™s torture). As this, like many of Middle Earth€™s magical elements, isn€™t determined I can€™t really discuss what the evildoers see. What can be looked at is the effect from the ringbearer€™s side. Judging by his jovial treating of the One Ring at his birthday, Bilbo never sees the Eye of Sauron, something Frodo certainly does mere weeks (or years, depending if you're in Tolkien or Jackson€™s tale) later. As it's never mentioned again, I guess it's just another element of the ring of (plot convenient) power.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.