The Lord Of The Rings: 8 Confusing Plot Holes The Movies Never Explained

2. Was Saruman Evil Already, Or Just A Dick?

Unlike Radagast and Legolas and Frodo and Azog, Saruman is one of the characters shoehorned into the events of The Hobbit that actually feels like he belongs. The White Council€™s appearance in An Unexpected Journey sets up a key side of the later conflict and was one of the few instances where it felt this was the start of a greater story, rather than a series of adventures (the key difference between the films and books). But while his presence is acceptable, his manner isn€™t. Watching the scene there is no way to discern if Saruman is purposely siding with the Necromancer, or simply being stubborn. He dismisses Radagast and denies the Witch King€™s return without a second thought. Jackson may have wanted some ambiguity in the scene, but it€™s too brief to not just seem silly. The real issue is that Gandalf immediately runs to Saruman sixty years later when the One Ring has been discovered, meaning his judgement is recognised as right, rather than short sighted. Maybe the last two films will sort this out, but as it stands it looks like an excuse to have Christopher Lee come back and villain it up.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.