Lots of New THE AVENGERS Images!

The new issue of EW hit news stands this week with a full spread on The Avengers, offering up new images of the cast & crew as we gear up to the May 2012 release on Marvel's ambitious superhero ensemble.

The new issue of Entertainment Weekly hit news stands this week with a full spread on The Avengers, offering up new images of the cast & crew as we gear up to the May 2012 release on Marvel's ambitious superhero ensemble. Now in theory, you wouldn't have thought it would be too difficult to sell a movie involving all these characters on screen together for the first time. I mean hell, The Avengers has had a 5 film marketing campaign in essence building up to this and if you look at the accumulate box office that the individual Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America movies have made, a gigantic film teaming all those characters together should really be an easy sell. And when you look at the comics, often young readers jump on board The Avengers because of the awesome cover designs that feature all the heroes they know and love. Stick Cap, Iron Man, Hulk and Thor together on and ad and you are surely onto a winner. So why then does the new EW cover image look so horrific? Why did Marvel really feel the need to photoshop to their hearts content, making the actors faces all look ridiculously out of proportion with the costumes they are supposedly wearing and just losing all believability in the image. I mean the Scarlett Johansson head/body size is just ludicrous. And what the hell is it with that Hulk pose from Mark Ruffalo? Why are actors finding it so hard to play Bruce Banner? And honestly, how did this cover every make it to print? Coming Soon have an alternative look with the actors re-arranged; And then scans from the issue itself which includes what appears to be our first actual images from the film. The first is Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury firing away at an unseen baddie; Chris Evans as Steve Rogers looking over his new Captain America costume; Tom Hiddleston's Loki, the villain (though we don't know if he will be the main one) of The Avengers looking like he is held up as prisoner somewhere; The super sexy Scarlett Johansson pulling a pose as a bus explodes behind her; And then two green screen images... Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye and Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow firing away; Director Joss Whedon with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth in Thor gear and Chris Evans. And another image that looks to be a still from the film;


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.