He lost out to Joss Whedon on
The Avengers, is struggling to convince Paramount to fund his take on
Y: The Last Man and he decided to shun the
Clash of the Titans sequel... so what next for former
Incredible Hulk director
Louis Leterrier?
According to Pajiba he is breathing down the neck of Universal's early in development big budget movie
Gravity (not to be confused with Alfonso Cuaron & Robert Downey Jr's project) that, wait for it, is described as a disaster thriller that is a cross between
Taken and
The Day After Tomorrow. Yes, in what could be the most ridiculous Roland Emmerich-esque tentpole pitch of all time, the movie centers on a
"father who has to search for his lost child as the world stops spinning and Earth begins to lose its gravity." The Adjustment Bureau'sGreg Nolfi is producing, so maybe there is some semblance of hope here.
But no gravity? LOL. Though you can't help but feel like they are sitting on a goldmine here with this kind of Joe Popcorn friendly project. Oh man, if this ever gets made they have to hire
Nicolas Cage to lead. Can you imagine it?