Mads Mikkelsen: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

4. Nigel - Charlie Countryman (2013)

Mads Mikkelsen Charlie Countryman

Working with post-2010 Shia LaBeouf is always something of a mixed bag; you can never quite be sure if the assured actor of the absolutely bonkers "artist" will turn up.

In the end, Charlie Countryman is basically only memorable thanks to the controversial decision to cut an male-on-female oral sex scene because it was "too much", but to leave in all the violence. Oh, and for Rupert Grint taking too much viagra and getting a monstrous, never-ending erection.

Mikkelsen plays a villain - Victor - who is about as sterotypically "foreign gangster type" as you could imagine, sticking out like a ridiculous, out-of-place thumb next to a more youthful, comically-inclined cast. He's a waste, and the role should have gone to someone far less capable and his decision to say yes to this pretentious, ugly mess just reflects badly on him.


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