Man of Steel: 10 Mistakes From Superman Returns Reboot Must Avoid

5. Action!

It took half an hour for Superman Returns to get to its first big action sequence. In a movie that should never have been concerned with retelling origins and didn't need a lot of setting up, this is far too long. Considering how light on action it is for a story about a super-powered alien, it is especially unforgivable. Superman has to fight. The recent successes of The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises showed us that smart audiences are not only okay with epic and frequent action set-pieces, but when they are done well, they accept them as legitimate narrative devices. Despite Zack Snyder's unsuccessful toying with the idea of a music video-inspired genre of film making in Sucker Punch, everyone of his other films gets the action right. I do not expect him to drop the ball in the same way as Bryan Singer did.

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