Man Of Steel: 10 Things You Might Have Missed

1. No After Credits Sting

Credits It€™d be understandable for you to have left the cinema the moment the credits started rolling; after such explosive action a breather is more than acceptable. But if you had a feeling of regret as you got outside and realised you could be missing a further hint at what€™s to come from DC next, you needn't have worried. Many people probably quickly searched YouTube for Man Of Steel€™s post credit scene, only to panic when no selfless pirate had uploaded it. Well the reason for that is simple; there isn't one. In the spirit of Nolan€™s Dark Knight films (rather than Green Lantern), there€™s nothing but a long list of hard working filmmakers after the film ends. The lack of a post credit scene does spell some worries for the future of the DC movies. Their Justice League plans already feel like a rushed reaction to The Avengers and this seems to back up the theory they€™re making it up as they go. Of course it€™d be hard to beat Marvel at their own game, but anyone who sat through the incredibly long credits (there€™s a lot of animators) would like their time back. So there you have it, ten exciting pieces of trivia from Man Of Steel. Of course, there's many more than these few. If you've spotted any, let us know in the comments below.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.