Man Of Steel: 12 Questions Left By The Stupidest Superman Ever

2. Do We Just Forget The Significant Terraforming Earth Just Endured?

World Engine 2 If a few cans of hairspray killed the ozone layer, during the heyday of hair rock and back-combing, how come the World Engine's terraforming is apparently immediately fixed? Or immediately ignored, which is probably more reasonable to suspect. When we see shots of General Swanwick's war-room as Zod's World Engine changes the atmosphere, they somehow have a digital display that shows the changes in the atmosphere (as if they had prepared for some inevitable terraforming event already,) and which very clearly shows a massive chunk of the Earth's atmosphere changing. Presumably a lot of people died thanks to those changes, or at least bled a bit from their mouths like Superman did. But beyond that, how exactly do we account for the part of the atmosphere that was changed? Would it just go back to normal? Is the Indian Ocean now an uninhabitable zone? Does anyone care now that Metropolis and America is safe?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.