Man Of Steel Spoilers: 10 Major Plot Points Discussed

9. Superman's Powers

Man of Steel Given that this is a gritty retelling of the Superman mythos, it shouldn't be too surprising that the sillier aspects of the character's skill-set have been elided. Of course, all of the staples are there - X-ray vision, enhanced hearing, heat vision, speed, flight and strength - but the likes of ice breath get the short shrift, which is amusing considering how useful it could have been during the fiery oil rig sequence early in the film. What Snyder has done, however, is give a far greater weight to Supes' and Zod's powers than ever before; the flight feels frighteningly intense, and the heat vision similarly proves more destructive than we've ever seen. Also, after Superman Returns didn't feature the hero throwing a single punch, Man of Steel has ensured to feature countless scenes of Superman smacking people in the face, and oh my, it is glorious.
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Man Of Steel
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]