Man Of Steel Spoilers: 10 Major Plot Points Discussed

6. No Kryptonite

Superman Much to the surprise of many, Zack Snyder had crafted a film without Superman's famous weakness, the meteor rock Kryptonite. How, I hear you ask, can Superman's abilities be counter-balanced without the green stuff? Well, Snyder and co. have concocted a novel way of combating this issue; instead, it is the atmospheric disparity between Krypton and Earth that frequently gives both Superman and Zod issues. For instance, when Superman first volunteers to board Zod's ship to talk, he soon enough falls ill, as he is not used to the Kryptonian atmospheric conditions on-board. Similarly, on Earth, Zod doesn't fare too well with our atmosphere without his helmet; he first has to adjust to it before he can focus his abilities. I have to applaud Snyder on how he pulled this off; he didn't opt for the usual route of Superman spending half an hour afflicted by Kryptonite before he rises up again to save the day; instead, the action is almost relentless, and Superman's overwhelming strength is combated simply by having him face off against characters who are near enough his equal, such as Zod and Faora.
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Man Of Steel
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]