Man Of Steel: The History And Legacy Of Superman (Part 1)

1939 - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

superman1939 Superman, like in the original comics, was accepted and adopted by the people of the country he first called home, who immediately warmed to this super-powered alien refugee, giving him shelter and making him their champion. Not to mention an enormous blimp-sized effigy featured in the 1939 Macy's Turkey Day spectacular. One could consider Superman's 1939 Thanksgiving live debut to the general public as his first actual showing of the power of flight. Granted, while Superman was certainly floating in the air during the course of the parade, the Macy's celebratory float was more of a proclamation of Superman's arrival and ascension to American status symbol than it was an exhibition of his powers or skills of levitation. It was also the start of a tradition for Superman, as he would loom over the parade for years to come. sm 1940

A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.