Mark Hamill Might Return As The Joker

Or maybe he's just got the Dad jokes down.

Joker Tas By Lorddaroth

If Mark Hamill decided to hang up his vocal chords and retire from voicing the Joker after Batman: The Killing Joke hits shelves next month, it wouldn't be at all surprising. After all, that wouldn't be the first time he had retired from the job.

Back when Arkham City came out, Hamill decided at that point he'd stop giving voice to the Clown Prince of Crime, to the abject dismay of his fans. They needn't have worried of course, because Hamill came back for the sequel, despite the seemingly impossible barrier of the Joker being dead.

And now of course he's worked on The Killing Joke, which he always insisted would be the only time he'd ever voice the character again. He's fulfilled that promise now, so there's nothing stopping him peddling off into the sunset.


Or is there? Hamill has just been asked on Twitter about the possibility of continuing in the role and his answer might surprise and delight his fans:


Let's be honest here, he's being facetious. The tweet asks him to say no, so he says no. It's text-book Dad humour. He's living up to expectations of the Joker as an agent of chaos, because there's no way he'd confirm any future plans that way, right?


Would you like to see Hamill as the Joker again in the future? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.

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Mark Hamill
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