Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Brainless Superhero Mistakes (That Got People Killed)

4. Let's Take It Outside (Iron Man 2)

Whiplash1 Perhaps not so much brainless on Iron Man's part as it is more so on that of the writer's and the usual purposeful ignorance of real world physics. Realizing that all the drones and the War Machine armor is compromised by Whiplash, Iron Man quips "Let's take it outside" before flying upwards through the center hole in the glass skydome. The skydome that all the drones and War Machine then promptly fire their weapons at, sending gigantic shards of shattered glass falling onto the crowd below. As most of us are aware, movies treat glass like some kind of crystal clear corkboard that harmlessly falls apart when someone needs to go through it. In the real world, broken glass is razor sharp and will easily slice through your clothes, your skin, and those pulsating tubes throughout your body called your arteries and veins. Especially if it's being dropped on top of you from a great height where the pieces can accelerate. It's not feasible to think that at least one person didn't get a shard of glass through the top of their skull and into their brain, or at the very least, an artery slashed and bled out. A better strategy would have been to fly through the wall behind the drones and make them follow him that way, away from the crowd.

A What Culture writer since October 2013, I write about whatever interests me at the moment, which usually involves comics, sports, films, television, sci-fi, video games, and current events. Mostly I write as a stress release; it's cheaper than drinking and keeps me out of trouble. Most of the time, anyway.