Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Things That Could Prematurely End It

3. Joss Whedon's Departure

When Joss Whedon was hired to direct the first Avengers film, there was a lot of doubt as to whether he could actually pull it off or not. After all, he was better known as a writer of brilliant cult TV shows, such as Buffy and Firefly, than as a director. Furthermore, he had been hired to do something that had never been done before - bring four superhero franchises together cohesively and keep the numerous star names happy at the same time. Whedon did fantastically with the first movie, welding together the worlds of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and The Incredible Hulk and making it look easy - helped in no small part by a great relationship with the members of the cast. What€™s more, from the films themselves and interviews that Whedon has given, he has a larger plan in mind for The Avengers as time goes by. This is why his departure could be a derailing force for the MCU. There€™s a chance any new director will be unable to recapture the magic, leaving audiences disappointed. A new director for a sequel could leave the whole thing feeling a bit disjointed, as they push the story away from what Whedon had in mind and onto a path that isn€™t a natural fit. This may leave fans with a worrying disconnection from the universe. Whedon has recently come out and said that it is unlikely that he will direct Infinity War, so this could be closer than you think.

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