Marvel Cinematic Universe: 11 Little Known Facts About The Thor Movies

8. Kenneth Branagh Used A Colour Scheme That Mirrored Thor's Costume

Thor Crocs Throughout the entirety of the first Thor movie, director Kenneth Branagh tried to utilise a colour scheme in the scenery that mirrored Thor's costume as a means of immersing the audience in to the character more. Branagh has said that he particularly enjoyed a shot in the scene whereby the mortal Thor is taken to a New Mexico hostpital. The room in which Thor was being kept was predominantly blue, but the red aspect of Thor's costume was accounted for by virtue of a red pair of Crocs placed in the background (see picture). There was also a red fire alarm on the wall. If you look closely at the movie throughout its run-time - particularly in the scenes on Earth as a means of reminding us who Thor actually is - every scene has a touch of each colour from Thor's costume in it.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.