Marvel Cinematic Universe: 11 Little Known Facts About The Thor Movies

6. The Jane Foster As A Kid Photos Were Actually Natalie Portman

Jane Foster Photos In Thor: The Dark World, during some of the scenes in which Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis and Ian Boothby are researching in the house in London, there are photos of a young Jane Foster on display. These were real pictures of Natalie Portman as a child, which were provided for the movie by Portman's mother. How's that for intricate movie detail? Indeed, this wasn't even the first time Portman's mother had provided photos of her daughter as a youngster to add realism to one of her films - she did exactly the same thing for Black Swan, the 2010 psychological thriller/horror film starring Portman and Mila Kunis.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.