Marvel Cinematic Universe: 50 Best Deaths

27. Daniel Whitehall

Marvel Deaths

Died In: Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Despite being captured by Peggy Carter and the SSR at the end of World War II, the HYDRA agent who would go on to be known as Daniel Whitehall was rewarded for his patience after decades of imprisonment thanks to HYDRA's infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. Once freed, he returned to his work and restored his youth by mutilating Jiaying and using her DNA.

Throughout the first half of the show's second season, Whitehall gave the team a face to fight against, with Cal Zabo also racing them to get his revenge against Whitehall for destroying his family. In What They Become, Whitehall was finally cornered, only to be shot dead by Coulson before Cal could make him pay.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!