Marvel Cinematic Universe: 50 Best Deaths

17. Vladimir

Marvel Deaths
Marvel Studios

Died In: Daredevil

With the death of his brother Anatoly being placed on Daredevil, who he came to believe worked for Fisk, Vladimir kicked off a war that he was unprepared for. After all of his men and warehouses were destroyed, he was left battered, alone and at the mercy of Daredevil, who was prevented from killing him by the arrival of police.

Daredevil and Vladimir made it to a building where the two continued to fight, physically and verbally, in Condemned and Fisk's manipulations came clearer into focus. Fleeing into the sewers and with SWAT incoming, Vladimir bought Daredevil some time to escape at the cost of his own life so that his masked enemy could go on to take down Fisk.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!