Marvel Cinematic Universe: 50 Best Deaths

9. Roger Dooley

Marvel Deaths
Marvel Studios

Died In: Agent Carter

After the SSR captured Peggy Carter and Peggy came clean about everything she had been doing behind their backs, Chief Dooley decided to give her the benefit of the doubt about her claims about Ivchenko in Snafu, sending men across the street to investigate who the doctor had been communicating in Morse with.

To buy some time, Dooley kept Ivchenko in his office, though the doctor noticed the SSR squad crossing the street and hypnotised Dooley to do his bidding. Dooley unwittingly allowed Ivchenko to escape with Item 17 and was left behind wearing a self-heating vest set to explode. Once his senses came back to him, he sacrificed himself by jumping out the building's windows, exploding above the street and saving his team's lives.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!