Marvel Cinematic Universe: Definitive Guide To Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And Foreshadowing

Captain America: The First Avenger

12. The Stage Shield And Punching Hitler Nod To First Issue

The First Avenger sees the MCU go properly meta, with the propaganda drive in which Cap was first envisioned presented in-universe as fronted by Steve Rogers. And there's plenty of callbacks in there. The part of the stage show where Cap knocks out Hitler is a direct lift from the cover of the first ever issue of Captain America, while he shield Cap uses in the first half of the film also homages the debutant comic; it's the more traditional design that featured only in that first issue (in the second it became the now-iconic circular design due to similarities with the MLJ character Shield).

11. The First Issue Appears For Real, Too

Not content with slightly referencing the cover of Captain America #1, the film works it into the main narrative. As part of the Captain America propaganda drive, comics are produced. And, of course, they're the same design as the real world first issue (and sell just as well).

10. Steve Rogers, Avid Drawer

Like with Obidiah Stane with chess, the MCU likes to reference some of their characters more quirky traits, even if only in a throwaway manner. Thus, following the upbeat, but morally-sapping, propaganda montage, a moody Steve Rogers is seen doodling; in the comics he worked as a sketch artist. The drawing itself is also pretty funny - Steve has become a performing monkey.

9. Zola Picks Up Robot Blueprints

As he leaves the besieged lab, Zola grabs some very interesting blueprints; the designs for an MCU version of his traditional robot look. Looking less stocky than the comics version, you can make out both the camera head and video-screen belly. This implies the scientist has by this point already started exploring the transference of consciousness, setting up events in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (and keeping the door open for a later, robotic return).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.