Marvel Civil War: 10 Incredibly Important Scenes We’ll Never See On Film

6. The Attack On Johnny Storm

Human Torch As evidence of the growing unrest within the public and their resentment toward superheroes, one of the most public superhuman figures in all the Marvel Universe, the Human Torch is attacked and hospitalized outside a nightclub. The scene goes a long way in demonstrating just how far the heroes have fallen in the eyes of the non-powered, everyday public when someone like Storm, beloved by the world for his acts of bravery and celebrity-esque persona, can be so brutally beaten for an act he had nothing to do with. It's an important moment that added gravity to the story, that while may be included, it will have to be with a different character, which is unfortunate because the importance of Johnny Storm is what gave the scene it's impact. Here's a man who has not only always been public with his identity, but embraced being in the public eye, and now he's suffering for it.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.