Marvel Civil War: 10 Things You Need To Know

9. Good Guys And Bad Guys Team Up

What the Cinematic Universe also lacks so far is the sort of sprawling rogues gallery that currently populates the comic books. That's because the source material has been around for a good half century, leaving them plenty of time to build up a roster of A-to-Z-list villains for their heroes to tangle with on a monthly basis. So far in the MCU most of the bad guys have been dealt with within their respective films, and rarely seen or heard of again - the likes of Loki, Baron Von Strucker and Thanos being notable exceptions. The Chitauri from Avengers are unlikely to pop up again, and for the most part the films avoid the silly comic book trope of bad guys being put into prison, only to escape a couple of issues later to menace the good guys again. That could be a problem since part of the anti-registration side's objections are to do with the initiative demanding that both heroes and villains sign up to become government-sponsored metahumans. As you can imagine, many of the heroes are less than thrilled about the prospect of having to team up with known psychopaths who have previously put not only themselves but their families in danger.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at